Rules Analysis
WFDF 2021-24 Rules
17. Fouls

Strip Fouls:

This rule was changed from the previous rulebook version
This rule was added from the previous rulebook version
This rule has updates in the next rulebook version

A Strip Foul occurs when an opponent fouls a player and that causes the player to drop a disc they caught or to lose possession of the disc.

A player may not call a strip if they had only momentary contact with or lacked control of the disc prior to an opponent contacting the disc.If a defender hits the disc in flight before it is caught by the receiver, and that contact with the disc causes the receiver to drop the pass, that is not a strip. The defender is allowed to hit a disc in flight, when they hit a disc that has been caught by a receiver, that is when it can be treated as a strip foul.

WFDF 2017 Rules

A Strip Foul occurs when a defensive foul causes the receiver or thrower to drop the disc after they have gained possession.

If an uncontested strip foul occurs where the offence causes the defence to drop a pass they have intercepted in the defences attacking end zone, this should be treated as a goal for the defence.

USAU 2020-21 Rules

Strip: If a foul causes a player to lose possession of the disc, it is a strip. A strip is a subset of fouls and is treated the same way.

Initiating contact with a disc in a player's possession is a foul. Sustained contact with, and control of, a non-spinning disc is required to establish possession (3.J). A player may not call a strip if they had only momentary contact with or lacked control of the disc prior to an opponent contacting the disc.