Rules Analysis
WFDF 2021-24 Rules
12. Receivers and Positioning
This rule was changed from the previous rulebook version
This rule was added from the previous rulebook version
This rule has updates in the next rulebook version

Some minor contact may occur as two or more players move towards a single point simultaneously. Minor contact should be minimized but is not considered a foul.

Two opposing players are moving towards the same point in order to make a play on the disc. They are both aware of each other and are aware that minor body contact may occur. Minor body contact does occur.

Even though contact has occurred, this is not necessarily a foul.

In circumstances where one player clearly initiates contact with another, the person who initiates the contact is the person who caused the foul (ie one player is stationary and another runs into them, or one player clearly has a right to a space and an opponent changes direction and impedes that space in an unavoidable way).However there are times when both players have a right to a space and neither player can be deemed to have initiated contact. In these circumstances, if minor body contact occurs (ie players lightly bump shoulders or hips) this is not necessarily deemed a foul, as both players were responsible for causing the contact and both players were aware that contact may occur.

These scenarios should only be taken into account when both players have caused contact simultaneously. If one player clearly initiated the contact, that player has caused the foul.If one player is not aware that contact is going to occur, the player who is aware that contact will occur should avoid the contact and call a Dangerous Play foul if appropriate.As per rule if this contact occurs after the disc has been caught, or after the relevant player/s involved can no longer make a play on the disc, this must be treated as an Indirect Foul (excluding contact related to Section 17.1).Players involved in these incidents should be mindful that they often do not have the best perspective on who initiated the contact and should ask nearby players for their perspective.

WFDF 2017 Rules

Some incidental contact , not affecting the outcome of the play or safety of players, may occur as two or more players move towards a single point simultaneously. Incidental contact should be minimized but is not considered a foul.

Two opposing players are moving towards the same point in order to make a play on the disc. They are both aware of each other and are aware that minor body contact may occur. Minor body contact does occur.

Even though contact has occurred, this is not necessarily a foul.

In circumstances where one player clearly initiates contact with another, the person who initiates the contact is the person who caused the foul (ie one player is stationary and another runs into them, or one player clearly has a right to a space and an opponent changes direction and impedes that space in an unavoidable way).
However there are times when both players have a right to a space and neither player can be deemed to have initiated contact. In these circumstances, if minor body contact occurs (ie players bump shoulders or hips) this is not necessarily deemed a foul, as both players were responsible for initiating the contact and both players were aware that contact may occur.

These scenarios should only be taken into account when both players have initiated contact simultaneously. If one player clearly initiated the contact, that player has caused the foul.
If one player is not aware that contact is going to occur, the player who is aware that contact will occur should avoid the contact and call a Dangerous Play foul if appropriate.
Players involved in these incidents should be mindful that they often do not have the best perspective on who initiated the contact and should ask nearby players for their perspective.