Rules Analysis
WFDF 2017 Rules
This rule was changed from the previous rulebook version
This rule was added from the previous rulebook version
This rule has updates in the next rulebook version
14. Scoring
14. Scoring

A goal is scored if an in-bounds player catches a legal pass and all of their first simultaneous points of contact after catching the disc are entirely within their attacking end zone (note 12.1, 12.2).

'Callahan' goal: The offence throws the disc, but a defender intercepts the pass in the Offence's defending end zone (which is the Defence's attacking end zone).

The defence scores a goal.

Rule 14.1 states that the goal is scored when a player catches a legal pass and the first contact with the ground is inside their attacking endzone. It does not state that the pass has to be from a teammate. Extra: The term Callahan Goal is an unofficial term for this type of goal. "

A player catches the disc in the attacking end zone, but does not know this and throws the disc. Result: It is a goal, no matter the result of the additional pass.

Rule 14.1 does not say that the player scoring the goal must be aware of it. So if somebody has a clear perspective on it and declares it a goal, it is a goal. The disc cannot be thrown away after a goal is scored, so that action can be disregarded.

If it is unclear if the player scored (ie there is no agreement on the player who had best perspective, and there are opposing view points on the play) the result of the additional play stands.

Players may ask for perspective from people on the side-line to determine if the pass was caught in the endzone, however it is still up to the players involved to make the final call.


If a player in possession of the disc ends up with their selected pivot behind the attacking goal line without scoring a goal according to 14.1, the player establishes the pivot at the nearest point of the goal line.


The time at which a goal is scored is when the disc is caught and the player in possession is in contact with the end zone.

If there is discussion about a goal, and after discussion the goal is confirmed, for the purposes of time cap rules, the point is deemed to have ended when the catch occurred and the player in possession was in contact with the endzone. However the time limits between points will not commence until the discussion is resolved.

14. Scoring
WFDF 2021-24 Rules
14. Scoring